Tuesday, December 17, 2013

43: PMC GYM Carolling @ Aloysius Tan's Home

It was Tue night,17 Dec 2013, that the Carollers from PMC GYM arrived at the home of Aloysius Tan. Photos below show some of the happenings there.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

39: PMC GYM Wed 4 Dec 2013

Glad to note that Michael Jee was back playing the guitar with the worship team. Also, Alice after a long break, attended yesterday's session.

Andrew Wee brought the message. Pauline Ong, as usual, cooked her fantastic hokkien mee which everybody appreciated.

A team of GYMers rehearsed Christmas carols for the coming celebration.

The Line Dancers practised for the Christmas Carnival coming Saturday.

All in all, it was a good fellowship.

In memoriam: We were sad to note that our guitarist Daniels Antonio had passed away on 1 Dec. He had faithfully played in the worship team for many months before he was called home.