Friday, September 27, 2013

32: CMC SOY Fri 27 Sep 2013

Richard Toh was the MC. The band in attendance was the Eastwinds led by Albert Wong. View their gospel rendition here.

Dr Andrew Wee brought the message.

View an evergreen song played by the Eastwinds.

Albert Ong presented a comedy item, followed by music from Kenneth Tan.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

30: Alfred Koh - called home on Tue 10 Sep 13

We would like to convey our heart-felt condolences to Irene Koh and family on the death of her husband Alfred, previous Chairman of PMC GYM.

The wake was held last night at 8pm in the Diamond Rm, Singapore Casket. Another wake service will be held on Wed at the same time. At 9am Thu morning a funeral service will be held before the cortege leaves for Mandai Crematorium at 9.30am.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013