Wednesday, July 10, 2013

25: PMC GYM 10 Jul 13

Today's highlight was a ukulele item of 2 songs played by the Ukulele Ensemble led by Evelyn Wee.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

24: PMC GYM 3 Jul 13

The day's message was delivered by GYM Chairman, Dr Andrew Wee, who spoke on "Active Love" with Bible reference: Matt 5:38-48 about non-retaliation and loving the unloved and the hateful.

(Below:)A new activity was introduced: carrom.

The regular chess players:

See video clip at Youtube.

21: Aloy's Karaoke Fellowship - 30 Jun 2013

A karaoke fellowship of GYM friends et al was hosted by Aloysius Tan on Sun 30 Jun 2013.

Here are 3 Youtube videos to highlight the event:

1: Aloy's Karaoke Fellowship

2: Aloy's Karaoke of Gospel Songs

3: Aloy's Karaoke of Oldies