Wednesday, March 13, 2013

11: PMC GYM - 13 Mar 13

The fellowship began with the worship team comprising Kathy, Amy and Evelyn leading the singing, with Georgia on the keyboard, DeSousa on the guitar and Dennis on the drums. Fong Yuen manned the ppt slides.

(Above) Albert & Andrew prayed for the sick.

Refreshments of laksa, banana fritters and chinchow were prepared by Pauline.

After that the GYMers enjoyed their usual leisure activities.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

10: PMC GYM - Wed 6 Mar 13

The fellowship began with vintage songs followed by praise & worship songs led by Aloysius Tan.

This was followed by Rev Jimmy Wong delivering a sermon on how GYMers should be the salt and light of the world, with references from scripture.

After refreshments,the GYMers played rummy-o, dum, chess, sang karaoke and did some line dancing.

The fellowship ended at 6.30pm.