Tuesday, December 17, 2013

43: PMC GYM Carolling @ Aloysius Tan's Home

It was Tue night,17 Dec 2013, that the Carollers from PMC GYM arrived at the home of Aloysius Tan. Photos below show some of the happenings there.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

39: PMC GYM Wed 4 Dec 2013

Glad to note that Michael Jee was back playing the guitar with the worship team. Also, Alice after a long break, attended yesterday's session.

Andrew Wee brought the message. Pauline Ong, as usual, cooked her fantastic hokkien mee which everybody appreciated.

A team of GYMers rehearsed Christmas carols for the coming celebration.

The Line Dancers practised for the Christmas Carnival coming Saturday.

All in all, it was a good fellowship.

In memoriam: We were sad to note that our guitarist Daniels Antonio had passed away on 1 Dec. He had faithfully played in the worship team for many months before he was called home.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

38: PMC GYM 27 Nov 2013

Today's worship team: Martin, Amy, Charles & Kathy with Carol @ the keyboard & Dennis at the drums.

William led the prayer for the sick session.

GYM Chairman Andrew led the prayer for Telly who is going away to UK for 3 months.

Pauline Ong cooked the longtong.

Leisure activities: Health exercise, Rummy-O, Line Dancing, Chess and Chit-chat.

Ps Chin Nam dropped by to taste the longtong.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

37: PMC GYM Wed 20 Nov 13

Aloysius Tan led the worship team.

The speaker was Ps Larry Leong. Message: "Treasure or Pressure".

After a good fellowship meal prepared by Pauline Ong, the GYMers had leisure activities like line dancing, karaoke, Rummy-0, dum (draughts) and chess.

The session lasted from 3-6.15pm.

Venue: PMC Multi-Purpose Hall.

Friday, September 27, 2013

32: CMC SOY Fri 27 Sep 2013

Richard Toh was the MC. The band in attendance was the Eastwinds led by Albert Wong. View their gospel rendition here.

Dr Andrew Wee brought the message.

View an evergreen song played by the Eastwinds.

Albert Ong presented a comedy item, followed by music from Kenneth Tan.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

30: Alfred Koh - called home on Tue 10 Sep 13

We would like to convey our heart-felt condolences to Irene Koh and family on the death of her husband Alfred, previous Chairman of PMC GYM.

The wake was held last night at 8pm in the Diamond Rm, Singapore Casket. Another wake service will be held on Wed at the same time. At 9am Thu morning a funeral service will be held before the cortege leaves for Mandai Crematorium at 9.30am.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

27: PMC GYM 14 Aug 13

Aloysius Tan led the worship with Carol at the keyboard, Dennis at the drums and Fong Yuen at the laptop. William Lim and Allan Lye prayed for the welfare of GYMers.

Today, Julie led the GYMers in aerobic exercises while Juli Ong began teaching Line Dancing for beginners.

After the delicious snacks prepared by Pauline Ong, the GYMers enjoyed recreational games.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

25: PMC GYM 10 Jul 13

Today's highlight was a ukulele item of 2 songs played by the Ukulele Ensemble led by Evelyn Wee.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

24: PMC GYM 3 Jul 13

The day's message was delivered by GYM Chairman, Dr Andrew Wee, who spoke on "Active Love" with Bible reference: Matt 5:38-48 about non-retaliation and loving the unloved and the hateful.

(Below:)A new activity was introduced: carrom.

The regular chess players:

See video clip at Youtube.

21: Aloy's Karaoke Fellowship - 30 Jun 2013

A karaoke fellowship of GYM friends et al was hosted by Aloysius Tan on Sun 30 Jun 2013.

Here are 3 Youtube videos to highlight the event:

1: Aloy's Karaoke Fellowship

2: Aloy's Karaoke of Gospel Songs

3: Aloy's Karaoke of Oldies

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

20: PMC GYM 12 Jun 13

Less than 30 GYMers were present. Rev Jimmy Wong prayed for the sick. Pauline cooked meesiam for refreshment. The Ukulele Class led by Evelyn Wee attracted ten participants.

19: PMC GYM 5 Jun 13

The speaker of the day was Aloysius Tan who spoke on the importance of having a good marital relationship.

18: PMC GYM 29 May 13

The Ukulele Class in session: